Archive | January 2013

Gynecomastia Surgery: The Only Way to Get Rid of Man Boobs

Gynecomastia Before and After by Dr. Emmanuel Asare, male breast reduction specialistGynecomastia is a medical condition suffered by men who have enlarged breast tissue. The excess male breast tissue forms a soft and sometimes sagging breast that resembles a woman’s and can cause severe embarrassment and shame.

There are many possible causes for the hormonal imbalances that lead to gynecomastia, including obesity, aging, prescription medications, and steroid usage.

While many creams and pills promise to cure gynecomastia, these solutions do not provide permanent results.

Some gynecomastia pills claim that they work for 99% of the men who use it. These products are usually made up of 100% natural ingredients and botanical extracts, and can sometimes also contain theobromine cacao, guggulsterones, green tea extracts, chromium, sclareolides and caffeine.

These products claim that the ingredients work together to easily reduce the fatty tissue that causes large mammary glands in the male chest and that results can be seen within six months.

Even though these products assert that they are virtually “magic in a bottle”, medical studies have not shown pills or creams to help at all with male breast reduction.

Why Pills Don’t Work

Many men want to believe that pills will offer a simple and affordable solution to reducing their breasts. But this isn’t the case at all. This is because the underlying problem is found deep within the body. The hormones that cause gynecomastia cannot be fixed with a simple pill.

Hormones are responsible for the sexual characteristics of men and women, including hair growth, and breast and muscle development. Too much estrogen in a male’s body can lead to the over-development of male boobs.

Pills will not be able to reverse the estrogen levels in the blood and are not powerful enough to absorb excess hormones. They will not cure gynecomastia.


Just like pills, creams will only work at a skin-deep level. Your body will absorb the contents of the cream, but the cream will not be able to fix the cause of why gynecomastia is occurring.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Stop spending money on creams, exercises, and pills that will not resolve your gynecomastia issues. Even though companies who make these pills promise to deliver fast and amazing results, they will not cure your man boobs.

In order to fully get rid of man boobs, surgery is required. The amazing and innovative team behind Dr. A. Abraham Levin at our Gynecomastia New York centers help change lives for the better by getting rid of man boobs once and for all.

Treatment by our Long Island and NYC gynecomastia surgery experts is affordable for any budget and will help you be a happier and more self-confident person.

Why go another month popping pills and spreading creams on your chest that don’t work? Pick up the phone and call our offices to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our amazing and highly-qualified plastic and cosmetic surgeons. You’ll get life-changing results that last a lifetime!

Long Island: (631) 499-1831

Manhattan / NYC: (212) 206-0023

*The information on this page is not intended to be used as medical advice in any way. Always consult with your doctor for any health related concerns and before starting a new diet or exercise program.

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